Mid-Span Tensioner | JTE

Mid-Span Tensioner | JTE

  • $13.45
  • Save $1.17

This tensioning device is used on rectangular eave tubing like the Jumbo, JT1, and JTE (Jumbotrac Lite Eave) aluminum extrusions in conjunction with a mid span strap attached to the tent top. The benefit to using the Mid-Span Tensioner rather than just a strap and buckle comes in the angle of pull of the strap against the eave pipe member. Where traditional strap and buckles tend to deflect the tent top downward near the eave, the Mid-Span tensioner causes the tensioned webbing to pull directly in the roof line of the fabric resulting in higher tensioning performance and limiting water ponding issues. The Mid-Span Tensioner is constructed of zinc plated welded steel.

SKU: Z299F00210

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